En plus d'être en mesure de les intégrer à votre chat des bots sur votre propre site web, et l'accès depuis n'importe quel appareil Android ou iOS, vous pouvez également accéder à votre chat bots par le Bot Libre de l'API web. L'API web vous donne l'avantage d'avoir le contrôle complet de votre bot de l'interface client.
Vous pouvez utiliser l'API web pour accéder à votre bot à partir de votre propre site web à l'aide de JavaScript, PHP ou tout autre langage. Vous pouvez également utiliser l'API web pour créer votre propre application mobile pour accéder à votre bot, comme Android ou iOS de l'application.
Une API web, est un ensemble de HTTP GET/POST URI qui permettent l'envoi et la réception de message de données. Lorsque vous naviguez sur un site web, votre navigateur établit une série de requêtes HTTP GET/POST à Uri retour du contenu HTML. Dans un service web est l'Uri de retour XML ou JSON de données, au lieu d'un contenu HTML.
Le Bot Libre de l'API web fournit trois des Api REST. La première est un ensemble de HTTP GET Uri qui prennent FORME des données, et de retourner des données XML. Le deuxième ensemble de l'API de prendre HTTP POST de données XML, et de retourner des données XML. Le troisième ensemble de l'API de prendre HTTP POST de données JSON, et de renvoyer les données JSON.
La plupart des applications utilisent le XML POST API, mais certains peuvent choisir d'utiliser le FORMULAIRE d'OBTENIR de l'API en raison de sa simplicité. Les Api sont identiques, sauf que leur mécanisme.
URL | Operation | Type | Description |
/rest/api/form-chat | GET | Form | Send a chat message to a bot. |
/rest/api/chat | POST | XML | Send a chat message to a bot. |
/rest/json/chat | POST | JSON | Send a chat message to a bot. |
URL | Operation | Type | Description |
/rest/api/form-check-user | GET | Form | Validates and returns the user's details. |
/rest/api/check-user | POST | XML | Validates and returns the user's details. |
URL | Operation | Type | Description |
/rest/api/get-bots | POST | XML | Returns all bots. |
/rest/api/get-bot-script-source | POST | XML | Get the source of the script. |
/rest/api/delete-bot-script | POST | XML | Delete a script from a bot. |
/rest/api/import-bot-script | POST | XML | Import a script bot. |
/rest/api/import-bot-log | POST | XML | Import a log of a bot. |
/rest/api/save-bot-avatar | POST | XML | Choose an avatar and save for a bot. |
/rest/api/save-bot-script-source | POST | XML | Choose a script and save for a bot. |
/rest/api/create-bot-attachment | POST | XML | |
/rest/api/up-bot-script | POST | XML | Move up the bot script |
/rest/api/down-bot-script | POST | XML | Move down the bot script. |
/rest/api/get-instances | POST | XML | Get all instances. |
/rest/api/get-instance-users | POST | XML | Get instance users. |
/rest/api/get-instance-admins | POST | XML | Get instance admins. |
/rest/api/get-all-instances | POST | XML | Queries the details for all bot instances. |
/rest/api/check-instance | POST | XML | Validates a bot ID or name exists, and returns the details. |
/rest/api/form-check-instance | GET | Form | Validates Bot ID, and returns the bot's details. |
/rest/api/form-get-all-instances | GET | Form | Queries the details for all bot instances. |
/rest/api/update-instance | POST | XML | Update contents of bot instance. |
/rest/api/update-instance-icon | POST | XML | Update to change the bot instance icon. |
/rest/api/create-instance | POST | XML | Create a new bot instance |
/rest/api/delete-instance | POST | XML | Delete bot instance. |
/rest/api/flag-instance | POST | XML | Flag a bot instance. |
/rest/api/star-instance | POST | XML | Star a bot instance. |
/rest/api/train-instance | POST | XML | Train a chat bot instance. |
/rest/api/thumbs-up-instance | POST | XML | Thumbs up a chat bot instance. |
/rest/api/thumbs-down-instance | POST | XML | Thumbs down a chat bot instance |
URL | Operation | Type | Description |
/rest/api/get-channel-bot-mode | POST | XML | Get channel bot mode. |
/rest/api/save-channel-bot-mode | POST | XML | Save channel bot mode. |
/rest/api/create-channel-attachment | POST | XML | Create a channel attachmemt |
/rest/api/create-channel | POST | XML | Create channel. |
/rest/api/update-channel | POST | XML | Update channel. |
/rest/api/get-bot-channel | POST | XML | Get bot channel. |
/rest/api/get-user-channel | POST | XML | Get user channel. |
/rest/api/get-channels | POST | XML | Retrieve all channels. |
/rest/api/get-channel-users | POST | XML | Get all users of a selected channel. |
/rest/api/get-channel-admins | POST | XML | Get all admins of a channel. |
/rest/api/update-channel-icon | POST | XML | Update the icon of the channel. |
/rest/api/thumbs-up-channel | POST | XML | Thumbs up a channel. |
/rest/api/thumbs-down-channel | POST | XML | Thumbs down a channel. |
/rest/api/flag-channel | POST | XML | Flag a channel. |
/rest/api/star-channel | POST | XML | Star a channel channel. |
/rest/api/delete-channel | POST | XML | Delete channel. |
/rest/api/check-channel | POST | XML | Check to validate and returns a channel. |
URL | Operation | Type | Description |
/rest/api/get-forums | POST | XML | Retrieve the forums. |
/rest/api/get-forum-posts | POST | XML | Retrieve the posts of a forum. |
/rest/api/get-forum-users | POST | XML | Get users of a forum. |
/rest/api/get-forum-admins | POST | XML | Get admins of a forum. |
/rest/api/save-forum-bot-mode | POST | XML | |
/rest/api/get-forum-bot-mode | POST | XML | |
/rest/api/create-forum | POST | XML | Create a new forum. |
/rest/api/create-forum-attachment | POST | XML | Create an attachment for a forum. |
/rest/api/create-forum-post | POST | XML | Create a new post for a forum |
/rest/api/update-forum | POST | XML | Update the contents of the forum. |
/rest/api/update-forum-post | POST | XML | Update the content of a post of a forum. |
/rest/api/update-forum-icon | POST | XML | Update the icon of the forum. |
/rest/api/check-forum | POST | XML | Check to validate and returns a forum. |
/rest/api/check-forum-post | POST | XML | Check the post of the forum to validate and returns a post of a forum. |
/rest/api/delete-forum | POST | XML | Delete a forum. |
/rest/api/delete-forum-post | POST | XML | Delete a post of a forum. |
/rest/api/flag-forum | POST | XML | Flag a forum. |
/rest/api/flag-forum-post | POST | XML | Flag a post of a forum. |
/rest/api/thumbs-up-forum | POST | XML | Placing a thumbs up to a forum. |
/rest/api/thumbs-down-forum | POST | XML | Placing a thumbs down to a fourm. |
/rest/api/subscribe-forum | POST | XML | Subscribe to a forum. |
/rest/api/unsubscribe-forum | POST | XML | Unsubscribe to a forum. |
/rest/api/star-forum | POST | XML | Placing a star to a forum. |
URL | Operation | Type | Description |
/rest/api/get-scripts | POST | XML | Retrieve the scripts. |
/rest/api/get-script-users | POST | XML | Get users of a script. |
/rest/api/get-script-admins | POST | XML | Get admins of a script. |
/rest/api/create-script | POST | XML | Create a new script. |
/rest/api/update-script | POST | XML | Update the contents of the script. |
/rest/api/update-script-icon | POST | XML | Update the icon of the script. |
/rest/api/check-script | POST | XML | Check to validate and returns a script. |
/rest/api/delete-script | POST | XML | Delete a script. |
/rest/api/flag-script | POST | XML | Flag a script. |
/rest/api/thumbs-up-script | POST | XML | Placing a thumbs up to a script. |
/rest/api/thumbs-down-script | POST | XML | Placing a thumbs down to a script. |
/rest/api/star-script | POST | XML | Placing a star to a script. |
URL | Operation | Type | Description |
/rest/api/get-avatars | POST | XML | Retrieve all avatars. |
/rest/api/get-avatar-users | POST | XML | Retrieve all users of an avatar. |
/rest/api/get-avatar-admins | POST | XML | Retrieve all admins of a selected avatar. |
/rest/api/get-avatar-media | POST | XML | Retrieve the media of an avatar. |
/rest/api/create-avatar | POST | XML | Create a new avatar. |
/rest/api/create-avatar-media | POST | XML | Create a media for an avatar. |
/rest/api/save-avatar-media | POST | XML | Save the media of an avatar. |
/rest/api/save-avatar-background | POST | XML | Save the background image of an avatar. |
/rest/api/delete-avatar | POST | XML | Delete an avatar. |
/rest/api/delete-avatar-media | POST | XML | Delete a media of an avatar. |
/rest/api/delete-avatar-background | POST | XML | Delete a background image of an avatar. |
/rest/api/check-avatar | POST | XML | Validate an avatar and return it back to the user. |
/rest/api/avatar-message | POST | XML | Avatar Message. |
/rest/api/star-avatar | POST | XML | Placing a star to an avatar. |
/rest/api/flag-avatar | POST | XML | Flag an avatar. |
/rest/api/init-avatar | POST | XML | |
/rest/api/update-avatar | POST | XML | Update the contents of an avatar. |
/rest/api/update-avatar-icon | POST | XML | Update the avatar icon. |
/rest/api/thumbs-up-avatar | POST | XML | Placing a thumbs up to an avatar. |
/rest/api/thumbs-down-avatar | POST | XML | Placing a thumbs down to an avatar. |
URL | Operation | Type | Description |
/rest/api/get-domains | POST | XML | Get all available domains. |
/rest/api/get-domain-users | POST | XML | Get all users of a selected domain. |
/rest/api/get-domain-admins | POST | XML | Get all admins of a domain. |
/rest/api/get-domain | POST | XML | Return a domain. |
/rest/api/get-domain-icon | POST | XML | Return an icon of a domain. |
/rest/api/create-domain | POST | XML | Create a new domain. |
/rest/api/check-domain | POST | XML | Validate's and return's domain. |
/rest/api/update-domain | POST | XML | Update the content of a domain. |
/rest/api/delete-domain | POST | XML | Delete a domain |
/rest/api/flag-domain | POST | XML | Flag a domain. |
/rest/api/star-domain | POST | XML | Placing a star to a domain. |
/rest/api/thumbs-up-domain | POST | XML | Placing a thumbs up to a domain. |
/rest/api/thumbs-down-domain | POST | XML | Thumbs down to a selected domain. |
URL | Operation | Type | Description |
/rest/api/get-graphics | POST | XML | Retrieve all graphics. |
/rest/api/get-graphic-users | POST | XML | Get all users of a selected graphic. |
/rest/api/get-graphic-admins | POST | XML | Get all admins of a graphic. |
/rest/api/update-graphic | POST | XML | Update the contents of a graphic. |
/rest/api/update-graphic-icon | POST | XML | Update or change the current graphic icon. |
/rest/api/update-graphic-media | POST | XML | Update media content of a graphic. |
/rest/api/create-graphic | POST | XML | Create a new graphic. |
/rest/api/delete-graphic | POST | XML | Delete a selected graphic. |
/rest/api/check-graphic | POST | XML | Validate a graphic and return it back. |
/rest/api/flag-graphic | POST | XML | Flag a graphic. |
/rest/api/star-graphic | POST | XML | Placing a star to a graphic. |
/rest/api/thumbs-up-graphic | POST | XML | Thumbs up a selected graphic. |
/rest/api/thumbs-down-graphic | POST | XML | Thumbs down a selected graphic. |
URL | Operation | Type | Description |
/rest/api/get-analytics | POST | XML | Retrieve all analytics. |
/rest/api/get-analytic-users | POST | XML | Get all users of a selected analytic. |
/rest/api/get-analytic-admins | POST | XML | Get all admins of an analytic. |
/rest/api/test-analytic | POST | XML | Test a trained analytic model. |
/rest/api/test-audio-analytic | POST | XML | Test an audio model analytic. |
/rest/api/test-object-detection-analytic | POST | XML | Test an object detection image. |
/rest/api/get-test-media-result | POST | XML | Retrieve test media results. |
/rest/api/report-media-analytic | POST | XML | An analytic reprot. |
/rest/api/train-analytic | POST | XML | Train a model analytic. |
/rest/api/delete-analytic-media | POST | XML | Delete an analytic media. |
/rest/api/delete-analytic-test-media | POST | XML | Delete analytic test media. |
/rest/api/get-analytic-media | POST | XML | Retrieve all analytic media. |
/rest/api/get-analytic-test-media | POST | XML | Retrieve an analytic test media. |
/rest/api/create-analytic-label | POST | XML | Create a label to classify an object for a speicifc Analytic. |
/rest/api/create-analytic-test-media-label | POST | XML | Create a label to classify an object for a speicifc Analytic. |
/rest/api/delete-analytic-label | POST | XML | Delete a label of an analytic. |
/rest/api/delete-analytic-test-media-label | POST | XML | Delete a test media label of an analytic. |
/rest/api/check-training | POST | XML | Check current training of a model. |
/rest/api/create-analytic | POST | XML | Create a new Analytic. |
/rest/api/update-analytic | POST | XML | Update the content's of an analytic. |
/rest/api/flag-analytic | POST | XML | Flag an Analytic. |
/rest/api/thumbs-up-analytic | POST | XML | Thumbs up an Analytic. |
/rest/api/thumbs-down-analytic | POST | XML | Thumbs down to an Analytic. |
/rest/api/star-analytic | POST | XML | Placing a star to an analytic. |
/rest/api/delete-analytic | POST | XML | Delete an analytic. |
/rest/api/check-analytic | POST | XML | Validate an instance of an analytic and return it. |
/rest/api/reset-data-analytic | POST | XML | Reset the data of an analytic object. |
/rest/api/test-data-analytic | POST | XML | Test the data analytic. |
/rest/api/train-data-analytic | POST | XML | Train the data analytic. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/form-chat
Operation: GET
Type: Form
La forme de chat API reçoit un message de chat et renvoie le chat bot de répondre dans un document XML.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
instance | attribute | The ID of the bot to chat with. The bot's name can also be used, but the ID is better as it is guaranteed to be unique. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user who is sending the message. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. If not passed the user will be anonymous. The user is required if the bot is private. The user/password are only required on the first message. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is sending the message. A token can also be used. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user who is sending the message. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
conversation | attribute | The conversation ID for the current conversation. This must not be passed on the first message, but will be returned by the response, and should be used for all subsequent messages in the conversation. | |
message | element | The chat message to send to the bot. The message can be omitted if you wish the bot to start the conversation (if the bot has a greeting set). The message must be encoded in the URI. | |
correction | attribute | A boolean that defines the chat message is a correction to the bot's last answer. | |
offensive | attribute | A boolean that defines the bot's last answer as offensive. The message will be flagged for the bot's administrator to review. | |
disconnect | attribute | A boolean that defines the end of the conversation. | |
includeQuestion | attribute | A boolean that indicates the question should be included in the response. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/chat
Operation: POST
Type: XML
Le chat de l'API reçoit un message de chat et renvoie le chat bot de répondre dans un document XML.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
instance | attribute | The ID of the bot to chat with. The bot's name can also be used, but the ID is better as it is guaranteed to be unique. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user who is sending the message. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. If not passed the user will be anonymous. The user is required if the bot is private. The user/password are only required on the first message. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is sending the message. A token can also be used. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user who is sending the message. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
conversation | attribute | The conversation ID for the current conversation. This must not be passed on the first message, but will be returned by the response, and should be used for all subsequent messages in the conversation. | |
message | element | The chat message to send to the bot. The message can be omitted if you wish the bot to start the conversation (if the bot has a greeting set). The message must be encoded in the URI. | |
correction | attribute | A boolean that defines the chat message is a correction to the bot's last answer. | |
offensive | attribute | A boolean that defines the bot's last answer as offensive. The message will be flagged for the bot's administrator to review. | |
disconnect | attribute | A boolean that defines the end of the conversation. | |
includeQuestion | attribute | A boolean that indicates the question should be included in the response. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/json/chat
Operation: POST
Type: JSON
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/form-check-user
Operation: GET
Type: Form
L’API utilisateur de contrôle de formulaire valide l’utilisateur et renvoie les détails de l’utilisateur.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. If not passed the user will be anonymous. The user is required if the bot is private. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. A token can also be used. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/check-user
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API de l’utilisateur de chèque valide l’utilisateur et renvoie les détails de l’utilisateur.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. If not passed the user will be anonymous. The user is required if the bot is private. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. A token can also be used. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-bots
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API get-bots utilisée pour récupérer tous les bots availabel.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user who is getting the users. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
filterPrivate | attribute | Filter all the private bot items. | |
type | attribute | Type of bot. | |
typeFilter | attribute | Filter type of bot. | |
userFilter | attribute | Filter by users. | |
tag | attribute | Filter by tag. | |
category | attribute | Filter by category. | |
filter | attribute | Filter by name or description keywords. | |
contentRating | attribute | Filter by content rating. | |
restrict | attribute | Filter restriction. | |
sort | attribute | Sort condition. | |
page | attribute | Result page. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-bot-script-source
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API get-bot-script-source utilisée pour obtenir la source du script.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Script's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
instance | attribute | The ID of the bot. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/delete-bot-script
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API delete-bot-script utilisée pour supprimer un script d’un bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Script's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
instance | attribute | The ID of the bot. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/import-bot-script
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API import-bot-script utilisée pour importer un script dans un bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Script's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
instance | attribute | The ID of the bot. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/import-bot-log
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API import-bot-log utilisée pour importer les journaux d’un bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Script's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
instance | attribute | The ID of the bot. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/save-bot-avatar
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API save-bot-avatar utilisée pour choisir un avatar et enregistrer pour un bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. | |
id | attribute | Bot's ID. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the instance. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
instanceAvatar | attribute | Instance avatar. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/save-bot-script-source
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API save-bot-script-source utilisée pour choisir un script et enregistrer pour un bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Scripts's ID. | |
source | Script source code to update. | ||
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
instance | attribute | The ID of the bot. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/create-bot-attachment
Operation: POST
Type: XML
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user perforing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the bot attachment. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
instance | attribute | The ID of the bot. | |
name | attribute | Attachment name. | |
type | attribute | Attachment type. | |
file | file | Bot attachment file. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/up-bot-script
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API up-bot-script utilisée pour déplacer le script bot vers le haut.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Script's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
instance | attribute | The ID of the bot. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/down-bot-script
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API down-bot-script utilisée pour descendre dans le script bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Script's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
instance | attribute | The ID of the bot. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-instances
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API get-instances récupère toutes les instances disponibles.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
filterPrivate | Filter all the private instance items. | ||
type | Type of instance. | ||
typeFilter | Filter type of instance. | ||
userFilter | Filter by user. | ||
tag | Filter by tag. | ||
category | Filter by category. | ||
contentRating | Filter by content rating. | ||
restrict | Filter restriction. | ||
sort | Sort condition. | ||
page | attribute | Result page. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-instance-users
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API get-instance-users récupère tous les utilisateurs de cette instance de bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Bot's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-instance-admins
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API get-instance-admins récupère tous les administrateurs de cette instance de bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Bot's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-all-instances
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API form-get-all-instances interroge les détails de toutes les instances bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
filterPrivate | Filter all the private instance items. | ||
type | Type of instance. | ||
typeFilter | Filter type of instance. | ||
userFilter | Filter by user. | ||
tag | Filter by tag. | ||
category | Filter by category. | ||
contentRating | Filter by content rating. | ||
restrict | Filter restriction. | ||
sort | Sort condition. | ||
page | attribute | Result page. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/check-instance
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API de vérification valide l’existence d’un ID ou d’un nom bot et renvoie les détails du bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Bot's ID. | |
name | attribute | The name of the bot to validate. The bot's ID can also be used. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. If not passed the user will be anonymous. The user is required if the bot is private. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. A token can also be used. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/form-check-instance
Operation: GET
Type: Form
L’API de vérification de formulaire valide l’existence d’un ID ou d’un nom bot et renvoie les détails du bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Bot's ID. | |
name | attribute | The name of the bot to validate. The bot's ID can also be used. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. If not passed the user will be anonymous. The user is required if the bot is private. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. A token can also be used. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/form-get-all-instances
Operation: GET
Type: Form
L’API form-get-all-instances interroge les détails de toutes les instances bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. If not passed the user will be anonymous. The user is required to query private bots. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. A token can also be used. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
tag | attribute | The tag to filter the bots by. | |
sort | attribute | The sort option for the query. One of "name", "date", "dailyConnects", "weeklyConnects", "monthlyConnects". | |
filterPrivate | attribute | Set if only the user's private bots should be returned. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/update-instance
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API update-instance peut permettre à l’utilisateur de mettre à jour tout le contenu de l’instance de bot sélectionnée
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
id | attribute | Bot's ID. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the instance. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
domain | attribute | Domain. | |
allowForking | attribute | Allow forking. | |
name | attribute | The instance name that used to identify the instance. | |
alias | attribute | Another name can be used for the new instance to be identified. | |
description | Brief description for the instance. | ||
details | Details for the instance. | ||
disclaimer | Disclaimer regarding the new instance. | ||
license | License to release the instance and all its content under. | ||
website | URL for the instance if it has it's own website. | ||
subdomain | You can choose a subdomain to host your own website, or give a domain that you have registered and forward to this server's ip address. | ||
categories | On what category would you place your instance. Must select at least one of the categories. (Misc, Fun, Education, Friends). | ||
tags | Tags for your instance | ||
isPrivate | attribute | Instance can be private, and accessed only by the user. | |
isHidden | attribute | Hidden instance will not be available to public. | |
accessMode | attribute | Instance will be accessed by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
forkAccessMode | attribute | Instance will be able to copy by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
contentRating | attribute | Instance can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). | |
creator | attribute | Instance creator. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/update-instance-icon
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API update-instance-icon permet à l’utilisateur de modifier l’icône de l’instance de bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Bot's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
file | file | The icon image file |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/create-instance
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API create-instance pour créer une nouvelle instance de bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
template | Id or alias of bot to use as the template. | ||
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the instance. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
domain | attribute | Domain. | |
name | attribute | The instance name that used to identify the instance. | |
alias | attribute | Another name can be used for the new instance to be identified. | |
description | Brief description for the instance. | ||
details | Details for the instance. | ||
disclaimer | Disclaimer regarding the new instance. | ||
license | License to release the instance and all its content under. | ||
website | URL for the instance if it has it's own website. | ||
categories | On what category would you place your instance. Must select at least one of the categories. (Misc, Fun, Education, Friends). | ||
tags | Tags for your instance | ||
isPrivate | attribute | Instance can be private, and accessed only by the user. | |
isHidden | attribute | Hidden instance will not be available to public. | |
accessMode | attribute | Instance will be accessed by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
forkAccessMode | attribute | Instance will be able to copy by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
contentRating | attribute | Instance can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/delete-instance
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API delete-instance pour supprimer une instance de bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Bot's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/flag-instance
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API flag-instance Flag une instance de bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Bot's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user who performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
flaggedReason | element | Flagged Reason. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/star-instance
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API star-instance met en vedette une instance de bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Bot's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
stars | attribute | Stars. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/train-instance
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API train-instance entraîne une instance de chat bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the opertaion. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
instance | attribute | The ID of the bot. | |
operation | attribute | The training operation, one of AddGreeting, RemoveGreeting, AddDefaultResponse, RemoveDefaultResponse, AddResponse. | |
question | element | The training question text. | |
response | element | The training response text. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/thumbs-up-instance
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API d’instance pouce vers le haut qu’un utilisateur peut placer un pouce vers le haut à une instance de chatbot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Bot's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/thumbs-down-instance
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’instance thumbs-down qu’un utilisateur peut placer un thumbs vers le bas sur une instance de chat bot
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Bot's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-channel-bot-mode
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API get-channel-bot-mode utilisée est en mode get channel bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Channel id for validation. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user who is getting the channel of the bot. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. If not passed the user will be anonymous. The user is required if the bot is private. The user/password are only required on the first message. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. A token can also be used. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/save-channel-bot-mode
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API save-channel-bot-mode utilisée pour enregistrer le mode channel bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
instance | attribute | The ID of the channel. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user who is saving the channel of the bot. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. If not passed the user will be anonymous. The user is required if the bot is private. The user/password are only required on the first message. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
bot | attribute | The instance of the Bot. | |
mode | attribute | The mode of the Bot. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/create-channel-attachment
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API create-channel-attachment utilisée crée une pièce jointe pour un canal.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user creating the channel attachment. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the channel attachment. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
instance | attribute | The ID of the channel. | |
name | attribute | Attachment name. | |
type | attribute | Attachment type. | |
file | file | Channel attachment file. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/create-channel
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API de création de canal utilisée pour créer un nouveau canal.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user creating the channel. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the channel. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
subdomain | attribute | Subdomain. | |
name | attribute | The channel name that used to identify the channel. | |
type | attribute | Channel type. | |
description | element | Brief description for the channel. | |
details | element | Details for the channel. | |
disclaimer | element | Disclaimer regarding the new channel. | |
license | element | License to release the channel and all its content under. | |
website | element | URL for the channel if it has it's own website. | |
categories | element | On what category would you place your channel. Must select at least one of the categories. (Bots, Bot Libre, Misc). | |
tags | element | Tags for your channel | |
isPrivate | attribute | Channel can be private, and accessed only by the user. | |
isHidden | attribute | Hidden channel will not be available to public. | |
accessMode | attribute | Channel will be accessed by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
videoAccessMode | attribute | Video access mode. | |
contentRating | attribute | Channel can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). | |
audioAccessMode | attribute | Audio access mode. | |
inviteAccessMode | attribute | Invite access mode. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/update-channel
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API de canal de mise à jour utilisée pour mettre à jour un canal existant.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | The ID of the channel. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user updating the channel. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is updating the channel. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
domain | attribute | Channel Domain. | |
name | attribute | The channel name that used to identify the channel. | |
type | attribute | Channel type. | |
description | element | Brief description for the channel. | |
details | element | Details for the channel. | |
disclaimer | element | Disclaimer regarding the new channel. | |
license | element | License to release the channel and all its content under. | |
website | element | URL for the channel if it has it's own website. | |
categories | element | On what category would you place your channel. Must select at least one of the categories. (Bots, Bot Libre, Misc). | |
tags | element | Tags for your channel | |
isPrivate | attribute | Channel can be private, and accessed only by the user. | |
isHidden | attribute | Hidden channel will not be available to public. | |
accessMode | attribute | Channel will be accessed by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
videoAccessMode | attribute | Video access mode. | |
contentRating | attribute | Channel can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). | |
audioAccessMode | attribute | Audio access mode. | |
inviteAccessMode | attribute | Invite access mode. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-bot-channel
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API get-bot-channel utilisée pour obtenir le canal du bot.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Bot id for validation. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user getting the channel of the bot. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
channelType | attribute | Channel type. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-user-channel
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API get-user-channel utilisée pour obtenir le canal utilisateur.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user who's channel to get. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
channelType | attribute | Channel type. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-channels
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API get-channels utilisée pour récupérer tous les canaux disponibles.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user who is retrieving all the channels. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
filterPrivate | Filter all the private channel items. | ||
filterAdult | Filter all adult channel items. | ||
type | Type of channel. | ||
typeFilter | Filter type of channel. | ||
userFilter | Filter by users. | ||
tag | attribute | Filter by tag. | |
category | attribute | Filter by category. | |
filter | attribute | Filter by name or description keywords. | |
contentRating | attribute | Filter by content rating. | |
restrict | attribute | Filter restriction. | |
sort | attribute | Sort condition. | |
page | attribute | Result page. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-channel-users
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API get-channel-users utilisée pour renvoyer tous les utilisateurs d’un canal sélectionné.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Channel id for validation. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-channel-admins
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API get-channel-admins utilisée pour renvoyer tous les administrateurs d’un canal sélectionné.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Channel id for validation. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user who is getting all the admins of the channel. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/update-channel-icon
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API update-channel-icon utilisée pour mettre à jour l’icône du canal.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Channel id for validation. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user who is updating the icon of the channel. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
file | file | Icon |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/thumbs-up-channel
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API thumbs-up-channel utilisée pour permettre aux utilisateurs de placer un pouce levé sur un canal.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Channel id for validation. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user who is performing a thumbs up to a channel. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/thumbs-down-channel
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API thumbs-up-channel permettait aux utilisateurs de placer un pouce vers le bas sur un canal.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Channel id for validation. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user who is performing a thumbs down to a channel. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/flag-channel
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API de canal indicateur utilisée pour marquer un canal.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Channel id for validation. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user who is flagging a channel. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
flaggedReason | element | Flagged Reason. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/star-channel
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API star-channel utilisée pour mettre en vedette une chaîne.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Channel id for validation. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user who is favourite a channel. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
stars | attribute | Stars. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/delete-channel
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API de canal de suppression utilisée pour supprimer un canal.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Channel id for validation. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user who is deleting a channel. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/check-channel
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API de canal de contrôle utilisée pour valider et renvoyer un canal.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Channel id for validation. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user who is checking or validating a channel. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-forums
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API get-forums utilisée pour récupérer les forums disponibles.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
filterPrivate | attribute | Filter all the private forums items. | |
type | attribute | Type of forums. | |
typeFilter | attribute | Filter type of forums. | |
userFilter | attribute | Filter by users. | |
tag | attribute | Filter by tag. | |
category | attribute | Filter by category. | |
filter | attribute | Filter by name or description keywords. | |
contentRating | attribute | Filter by content rating. | |
restrict | attribute | Filter restriction. | |
sort | attribute | Sort condition. | |
page | attribute | Result page. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-forum-posts
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API get-forum-posts utilisée pour récupérer les publications disponibles de chaque forum.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
filterPrivate | attribute | Filter all the private posts. | |
type | attribute | Type of forums. | |
typeFilter | attribute | Filter type of forum posts. | |
userFilter | attribute | Filter by users. | |
tag | attribute | Filter by tag. | |
category | attribute | Filter by category. | |
filter | attribute | Filter by name or description keywords. | |
contentRating | attribute | Filter by content rating. | |
restrict | attribute | Filter restriction. | |
sort | attribute | Sort condition. | |
page | attribute | Result page. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-forum-users
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API get-forum-users utilisée pour récupérer les utilisateurs de chaque forum.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Forum's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-forum-admins
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API get-forum-admins utilisée pour récupérer les administrateurs de chaque forum.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Forum's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/save-forum-bot-mode
Operation: POST
Type: XML
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-forum-bot-mode
Operation: POST
Type: XML
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/create-forum
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API create-forum pour créer un nouveau forum.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the forum. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
domain | attribute | Domain. | |
name | attribute | The forum name that used to identify the forum. | |
alias | attribute | Another name can be used for the new forum to be identified. | |
description | element | Brief description for the forum. | |
details | element | Details for the forum. | |
disclaimer | element | Disclaimer regarding the new forum. | |
license | element | License to release the forum and all its content under. | |
website | element | URL for the forum if it has it's own website. | |
categories | element | On what category would you place your forum. Must select at least one of the categories. (Bots, Bot Libre, Misc). | |
tags | element | Tags for your forum | |
isPrivate | attribute | forum can be private, and accessed only by the user. | |
isHidden | attribute | Hidden forum will not be available to public. | |
accessMode | attribute | Forum will be accessed by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
forkAccessMode | attribute | Forum will be able to copy by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
contentRating | attribute | Forum can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). | |
replyAccessMode | attribute | Who can reply to a post in the forum. | |
postAccessMode | attribute | Who can post on the forum. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/create-forum-attachment
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API create-forum-attachment pour créer un forum qui contient une pièce jointe.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID | |
instance | Forum's ID. | ||
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the forum. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
file | Forum file. | ||
name | Attachment name. | ||
type | Attachment type. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/create-forum-post
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API create-forum-post pour créer un nouveau message pour un forum.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the forum. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
topic | Post's topic | ||
forum | attribute | The forum. | |
details | Type of a markup | ||
tags | Tags | ||
subscribe | boolean | Subscribe to this post to be notified once a reply is posted |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/update-forum
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API update-forum utilisée pour mettre à jour le contenu du forum.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
id | attribute | Forum's ID. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is updating the forum. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
domain | attribute | Domain. | |
name | attribute | The forum name that used to identify the forum. | |
alias | attribute | Another name can be used for the new forum to be identified. | |
description | Brief description for the forum. | ||
details | Details for the forum. | ||
disclaimer | Disclaimer regarding the new forum. | ||
license | License to release the forum and all its content under. | ||
website | URL for the forum if it has it's own website. | ||
categories | On what category would you place your forum. Must select at least one of the categories. (Bots, Bot Libre, Misc). | ||
tags | Tags for your forum | ||
isPrivate | attribute | forum can be private, and accessed only by the user. | |
isHidden | attribute | Hidden forum will not be available to public. | |
creator | attribute | Instance creator. | |
accessMode | attribute | Forum will be accessed by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
forkAccessMode | attribute | Forum will be able to copy by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
contentRating | attribute | Forum can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). | |
replyAccessMode | attribute | Who can reply to a post in the forum. | |
postAccessMode | attribute | Who can post on the forum. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/update-forum-post
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API update-forum-post met à jour le contenu d’une publication d’un forum.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID | |
id | attribute | Forum's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the forum. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
replies | Post replies. | ||
isFeatured | attribute | Featured forum. | |
topic | Post's topic | ||
details | Post's text content | ||
tags | Post's tags, csv |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/update-forum-icon
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API update-forum-icon utilisée pour changer l’icône du fourm.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Forum's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
file | file | Icon image file. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/check-forum
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API check-forum valide et renvoie un forum.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Forum's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/check-forum-post
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API check-forum-post vérifie le post du forum pour valider et renvoie un post d’un forum.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Forum's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/delete-forum
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API delete-forum pour supprimer un forum.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Forum's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/delete-forum-post
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API delete-forum-post delete est une publication d’un forum.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Forum's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/flag-forum
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API flag-forum utilisée pour marquer un forum.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Forum's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
flaggedReason | element | Flagged Reason. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/flag-forum-post
Operation: POST
Type: XML
Le drapeau de l’API flag-forum-post est un message d’un forum.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Forum's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
flaggedReason | element | Flagged Reason. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/thumbs-up-forum
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API thumbs-up-forum utilisée pour placer un pouce levé sur un forum.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Forum's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/thumbs-down-forum
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API thumbs-down-forum utilisée pour placer les pouces vers le bas sur un forum.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Forum's ID. | |
user | attribute | TThe ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/subscribe-forum
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API subscribe-forum permet à un utilisateur de s’abonner à un forum.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Forum's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/unsubscribe-forum
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API unsubscribe-forum permet à l’utilisateur de se désabonner d’un forum.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Forum's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/star-forum
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API star-forum permet à un utilisateur de placer une étoile sur un forum.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Forum's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
stars | attribute | Stars. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-scripts
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API get-scripts utilisée pour récupérer les scripts disponibles.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
filterPrivate | Filter all the private script items. | ||
filterAdult | Filter all adult script items. | ||
type | Type of script. | ||
typeFilter | Filter type of script. | ||
userFilter | Filter by users. | ||
tag | attribute | Filter by tag. | |
category | attribute | Filter by category. | |
filter | attribute | Filter by name or description keywords. | |
contentRating | attribute | Filter by content rating. | |
restrict | attribute | Filter restriction. | |
sort | attribute | Sort condition. | |
page | attribute | Result page. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-script-users
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API get-script-users utilisée pour récupérer les utilisateurs d’un script.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Script's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-script-admins
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API get-script-admins permet de récupérer tous les administrateurs d’un script.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Script's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/create-script
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API create-script est utilisée pour créer un nouveau script.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the forum. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
domain | attribute | Domain. | |
name | attribute | The forum name that used to identify the forum. | |
alias | attribute | Another name can be used for the new forum to be identified. | |
description | Brief description for the forum. | ||
details | Details for the forum. | ||
disclaimer | Disclaimer regarding the new forum. | ||
license | License to release the forum and all its content under. | ||
website | URL for the forum if it has it's own website. | ||
categories | On what category would you place your forum. Must select at least one of the categories. (Bots, Bot Libre, Misc). | ||
tags | Tags for your forum | ||
isPrivate | attribute | forum can be private, and accessed only by the user. | |
isHidden | attribute | Hidden forum will not be available to public. | |
accessMode | attribute | Forum will be accessed by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
forkAccessMode | attribute | Forum will be able to copy by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
contentRating | attribute | Forum can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/update-script
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API update-script utilisée pour mettre à jour le contenu du script.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Script's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the script. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
domain | attribute | Domain. | |
name | attribute | The script name that used to identify the script. | |
alias | attribute | Another name can be used for the new forum to be identified. | |
description | Brief description for the forum. | ||
details | Details for the script. | ||
disclaimer | Disclaimer regarding the new script. | ||
license | License to release the script and all its content under. | ||
website | URL for the forum if it has it's own website. | ||
subdomain | attribute | You can choose a subdomain to host your script's own website, or give a domain that you have registered and forward to this server's ip address. | |
categories | On what category would you place your script. Must select at least one of the categories. (Bots, Bot Libre, Misc). | ||
tags | Tags for your script | ||
isPrivate | attribute | Scripts can be private, and accessed only by the user. | |
isHidden | attribute | Hidden forum will not be available to public. | |
accessMode | attribute | Script will be accessed by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
forkAccessMode | attribute | Script will be able to copy by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
contentRating | attribute | Script can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). | |
creator | attribute | Script creator. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/update-script-icon
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API update-script-icon utilisée pour modifier l’icône du script.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Script's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
file | file | Icon image file. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/check-script
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API check-forum valide et renvoie un script.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Script's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/delete-script
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API de script de suppression pour supprimer un script.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Script's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/flag-script
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API flag-script utilisée pour marquer un script.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Script's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/thumbs-up-script
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API thumbs-up-forum utilisée pour placer un pouce levé sur un script.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Script's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/thumbs-down-script
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API thumbs-down-forum utilisée pour placer les pouces vers le bas d’un script.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Script's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/star-script
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API star-forum permet à un utilisateur de placer une étoile dans un script.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Script's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-avatars
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API get-avatars est utilisée pour récupérer les avatars disponibles.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
filterPrivate | Filter all the private avatar items. | ||
filterAdult | Filter all adult avatar items. | ||
type | Type of avatar. | ||
typeFilter | Filter type of avatar. | ||
userFilter | Filter by users. | ||
tag | attribute | Filter by tag. | |
category | attribute | Filter by category. | |
filter | attribute | Filter by name or description keywords. | |
contentRating | attribute | Filter by content rating. | |
restrict | attribute | Filter restriction. | |
sort | attribute | Sort condition. | |
page | attribute | Result page. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-avatar-users
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API get-avatars-users utilisée pour récupérer tous les utilisateurs liés à cet avatar.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Avatar's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-avatar-admins
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API get-avatar-admins utilisée pour récupérer tous les administrateurs d’un avatar sélectionné.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Avatar's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-avatar-media
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API get-avatar-media utilisée pour récupérer le média d’un avatar.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Avatar's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/create-avatar
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API create-avatar utilisée pour créer un nouvel avatar.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the avatar. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
domain | attribute | Domain. | |
name | attribute | The avatar name that used to identify the avatar. | |
alias | attribute | Another name can be used for the new avatar to be identified. | |
description | element | Brief description for the avatar. | |
details | element | Details for the avatar. | |
disclaimer | element | Disclaimer regarding the new avatar. | |
license | element | License to release the avatar and all its content under. | |
website | element | URL for the avatar if it has it's own website. | |
categories | element | On what category would you place your avatar. Must select at least one of the categories. (People, 3D, Video, MP4). | |
tags | attribute | Tags for your avatar | |
isPrivate | attribute | Avatar can be private, and accessed only by the user. | |
isHidden | attribute | Hidden avatar will not be available to public. | |
accessMode | attribute | Avatar will be accessed by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
forkAccessMode | attribute | Avatar will be able to copy by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
contentRating | attribute | Avatar can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/create-avatar-media
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API create-avatar-media utilisée pour créer un média pour un avatar.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
instance | attribute | The ID of the avatar. | |
name | attribute | Name of the media file. | |
type | attribute | Type of the avatar media file. | |
file | file | Media file. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/save-avatar-media
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API save-avatar-media utilisée pour enregistrer les modifications du média actuel d’un avatar.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
mediaId | attribute | Avatar's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
domain | attribute | Domain. | |
instance | attribute | The ID of the avatar. | |
name | attribute | Name of the media. | |
type | attribute | Type of the avatar media. | |
emotions | attribute | Emotions of the avatar. | |
actions | attribute | Actions of the avatar. | |
poses | attribute | Poses of the avatar. | |
hd | attribute | HD type of media. | |
talking | attribute | Talking state of the avatar. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/save-avatar-background
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API save-avatar-background enregistre l’image d’arrière-plan d’un avatar.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
domain | attribute | Domain. | |
instance | attribute | The ID of the avatar. | |
name | attribute | Name of the media file. | |
type | attribute | Type of the avatar media file. | |
file | file | Background image file. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/delete-avatar
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API delete-avatar utilisée pour supprimer un avatar sélectionné.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Avatar's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/delete-avatar-media
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API delete-avatar-media utilisée pour supprimer un média d’un avatar.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
mediaId | attribute | Avatar's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
instance | attribute | The ID of the avatar. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/delete-avatar-background
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API delete-avatar-background utilisée pour supprimer une image d’arrière-plan d’un avatar.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Avatar's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/check-avatar
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API check-avatar est utilisée pour valider et renvoyer l’avatar.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Avatar's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/avatar-message
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API avatar-message
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. | |
password | attribute | Password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
message | element | Message. | |
avatar | attribute | Avatar id. | |
avatar | attribute | The avatar. | |
emote | attribute | The emote for the message. | |
action | attribute | The actoin for the message. | |
pose | attribute | The pose for the message. | |
speak | attribute | Speak. | |
voice | attribute | Voice used for the message. | |
voiceMode | attribute | Voice mode for the message. | |
format | attribute | Message format. | |
hd | attribute | HD. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/star-avatar
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API star-avatar utilisée par l’utilisateur pour mettre en vedette un avatar.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Avatar's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
stars | attribute | Stars. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/flag-avatar
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API flag-avatar utilisée pour signaler un avatar.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Avatar's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
flaggedReason | element | Flagged Reason. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/init-avatar
Operation: POST
Type: XML
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/update-avatar
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API update-avatar utilisée pour mettre à jour et modifier le contenu d’un avatar.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Avatar's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
domain | attribute | Domain. | |
name | attribute | The avatar name that used to identify the avatar. | |
alias | attribute | Another name can be used for the new avatar to be identified. | |
description | element | Brief description for the avatar. | |
details | element | Details for the avatar. | |
disclaimer | element | Disclaimer regarding the new avatar. | |
license | element | License to release the avatar and all its content under. | |
website | element | URL for the avatar if it has it's own website. | |
categories | element | On what category would you place your avatar. Must select at least one of the categories. (People, 3D, Video, MP4). | |
tags | element | Tags for your avatar | |
isPrivate | attribute | Avatar can be private, and accessed only by the user. | |
isHidden | attribute | Hidden avatar will not be available to public. | |
accessMode | attribute | Avatar will be accessed by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
forkAccessMode | attribute | Avatar will be able to copy by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
contentRating | attribute | Avatar can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). | |
isFeatured | attribute | Featured instance. | |
creator | attribute | Instance creator. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/update-avatar-icon
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API update-avatar-icon utilisée pour mettre à jour l’icône de l’avatar
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Avatar's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
file | file | Icon image file. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/thumbs-up-avatar
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API thumbs-up-avatar utilisée pour placer un pouce levé sur un avatar sélectionné.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Avatar's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/thumbs-down-avatar
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API thumbs-down-avatar utilisée pour placer un pouce vers le bas sur un avatar sélectionné.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Avatar's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-domains
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API get-domains utilisée pour récupérer tous les domaines disponibles.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
filterPrivate | Filter all the private domain items. | ||
filterAdult | Filter all adult domain items. | ||
type | Type of domain. | ||
typeFilter | Filter type of domain. | ||
userFilter | Filter by users. | ||
tag | attribute | Filter by tag. | |
category | attribute | Filter by category. | |
filter | attribute | Filter by name or description keywords. | |
contentRating | attribute | Filter by content rating. | |
restrict | attribute | Filter restriction. | |
sort | attribute | Sort condition. | |
page | attribute | Result page. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-domain-users
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API get-domain-users utilisée pour récupérer tous les utilisateurs d’un domaine.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Domain's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-domain-admins
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API get-domain-admins utilisée pour récupérer tous les administrateurs d’un domaine.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Domain's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-domain
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API get-domain récupère un domaine sélectionné.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Domain's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-domain-icon
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API get-domain-icon utilisée pour renvoyer une icône d’un domaine.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Domain's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/create-domain
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API create-domain create est un nouveau domaine.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the domain. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
name | attribute | The domain name that used to identify the domain. | |
alias | attribute | Another name can be used for the new domain to be identified. | |
description | Brief description for the domain. | ||
details | Details for the domain. | ||
disclaimer | Disclaimer regarding the new domain. | ||
license | License to release the domain and all its content under. | ||
website | URL for the domain if it has it's own website. | ||
subdomain | You can choose a subdomain to host your forum's own website, or give a domain that you have registered and forward to this server's ip address. | ||
categories | On what category would you place your domain. Must select at least one of the categories. (Bot Libre, Web, Education, Misc). | ||
tags | Tags for your domain | ||
isPrivate | attribute | Instance can be private, and accessed only by the user. | |
isHidden | attribute | Hidden domain will not be available to public. | |
accessMode | attribute | Domain will be accessed by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
forkAccessMode | attribute | Domain will be able to copy by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
contentRating | attribute | Domain can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). | |
creationMode | attribute | Who can create channels, forums, bots in this domain. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/check-domain
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API de domaine de vérification utilisée pour valider et renvoyer un domaine.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Domain's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/update-domain
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API update-domain met à jour le contenu du domaine.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Domain's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the domain. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
name | attribute | The domain name that used to identify the domain. | |
alias | attribute | Another name can be used for the new domain to be identified. | |
description | Brief description for the domain. | ||
details | Details for the domain. | ||
disclaimer | Disclaimer regarding the new domain. | ||
license | License to release the domain and all its content under. | ||
website | URL for the domain if it has it's own website. | ||
subdomain | You can choose a subdomain to host your forum's own website, or give a domain that you have registered and forward to this server's ip address. | ||
categories | On what category would you place your domain. Must select at least one of the categories. (Bot Libre, Web, Education, Misc). | ||
tags | Tags for your domain | ||
isPrivate | attribute | Instance can be private, and accessed only by the user. | |
isHidden | attribute | Hidden domain will not be available to public. | |
accessMode | attribute | Domain will be accessed by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
forkAccessMode | attribute | Domain will be able to copy by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
contentRating | attribute | Domain can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). | |
creator | attribute | Instance creator. | |
creationMode | Who can create channels, forums, bots in this domain. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/delete-domain
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API delete-domain supprime un domaine sélectionné.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Domain's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/flag-domain
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API de domaine d’indicateur utilisée pour marquer un domaine.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Domain's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
flaggedReason | element | Flagged Reason. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/star-domain
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API de domaine en étoile utilisée pour placer une étoile dans un domaine.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Domain's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
stars | attribute | Stars. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/thumbs-up-domain
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API de domaine pouce levé utilisée pour augmenter le pouce d’un domaine.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Domain's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/thumbs-down-domain
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API de domaine thumbs-down utilisée pour thumbs down vers un domaine sélectionné.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Domain's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-graphics
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API get-graphics récupère tous les graphiques disponibles.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
filterPrivate | Filter all the private graphic items. | ||
filterAdult | Filter all adult graphic items. | ||
type | Type of graphic. | ||
typeFilter | Filter type of graphic. | ||
userFilter | Filter by users. | ||
tag | attribute | Filter by tag. | |
category | attribute | Filter by category. | |
filter | attribute | Filter by name or description keywords. | |
contentRating | attribute | Filter by content rating. | |
restrict | attribute | Filter restriction. | |
sort | attribute | Sort condition. | |
page | attribute | Result page. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-graphic-users
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API get-graphic-users renvoie tous les utilisateurs d’un graphique sélectionné.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Graphic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-graphic-admins
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API get-graphic-admins renvoie tous les administrateurs d’un graphique sélectionné.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Graphic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/update-graphic
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API graphique de mise à jour utilisée pour mettre à jour le contenu d’un graphique.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | Graphic's ID. | ||
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is updating the graphic. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
domain | attribute | Domain. | |
name | attribute | The graphic name that used to identify the graphic. | |
alias | attribute | Another name can be used for the new graphic to be identified. | |
description | element | Brief description for the graphic. | |
details | element | Details for the graphic. | |
disclaimer | element | Disclaimer regarding the new graphic. | |
license | element | License to release the graphic and all its content under. | |
website | element | URL for the graphic if it has it's own website. | |
categories | element | On what category would you place your graphic. Must select at least one of the categories. (Image, Audio, Data, Misc). | |
tags | element | Tag your Graphic | |
isPrivate | attribute | Graphic can be private, and accessed only by the user. | |
isHidden | attribute | Hidden graphic will not be available to public. | |
accessMode | attribute | Graphic will be accessed by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
forkAccessMode | attribute | Graphic will be able to copy by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
accessMode | attribute | Graphic can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). | |
contentRating | attribute | Graphic can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). | |
isFeatured | attribute | Featured instance. | |
creator | attribute | Instance creator. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/update-graphic-icon
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API update-graphic-icon utilisée pour modifier et mettre à jour l’icône graphique.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Graphic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
file | file | Icon image file. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/update-graphic-media
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API update-graphic-media utilisée pour mettre à jour le contenu multimédia du graphique sélectionné.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
id | attribute | Graphic's ID. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the domain. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
fileName | attribute | File name of the graphic. | |
fileType | attribute | File type of the graphic. | |
file | file | Graphic file. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/create-graphic
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API create-graphic utilisée pour créer un nouveau graphique.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the graphic. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
domain | attribute | Domain. | |
name | attribute | The graphic name that used to identify the graphic. | |
alias | attribute | Another name can be used for the new graphic to be identified. | |
description | element | Brief description for the graphic. | |
details | element | Details for the graphic. | |
disclaimer | element | Disclaimer regarding the new graphic. | |
license | element | License to release the graphic and all its content under. | |
website | element | URL for the graphic if it has it's own website. | |
categories | element | On what category would you place your graphic. Must select at least one of the categories. (Bot Libre, Web, Education, Misc). | |
tags | element | Tags for your graphic | |
isPrivate | attribute | Instance can be private, and accessed only by the user. | |
isHidden | attribute | Hidden graphic will not be available to public. | |
accessMode | attribute | Graphic will be accessed by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
forkAccessMode | attribute | Graphic will be able to copy by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
contentRating | attribute | Graphic can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/delete-graphic
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API delete-graphic utilisée pour supprimer un graphique sélectionné.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Graphic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/check-graphic
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API check-graphic utilisée pour valider un graphique et le renvoyer.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Graphic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/flag-graphic
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API graphique de drapeau utilisée pour marquer un graphique.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Graphic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
flaggedReason | element | Flagged Reason. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/star-graphic
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API graphique en étoile utilisée pour placer une étoile sur un graphique.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Graphic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
stars | attribute | Stars. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/thumbs-up-graphic
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API graphique thumbs-up utilisée pour placer un pouce levé sur un graphique sélectionné.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Graphic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/thumbs-down-graphic
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API thumbs-down-graphic utilisée pour placer un pouce vers le bas sur un graphique sélectionné.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Graphic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-analytics
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API get-analytics utilisée pour récupérer toutes les analyses disponibles.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
filterPrivate | attribute | Filter all the private analytic items. | |
filterAdult | attribute | Filter all adult analytic items. | |
type | attribute | Type of analytics. | |
typeFilter | attribute | Filter type of analytic. | |
userFilter | attribute | Filter by users. | |
tag | attribute | Filter by tag. | |
category | attribute | Filter by category. | |
filter | attribute | Filter by name or description keywords. | |
contentRating | attribute | Filter by content rating. | |
restrict | attribute | Filter restriction. | |
sort | attribute | Sort condition. | |
page | attribute | Result page. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-analytic-users
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API get-analytic-users utilisée pour récupérer tous les utilisateurs d’une analyse.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-analytic-admins
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API get-analytic-admins utilisée pour récupérer tous les administrateurs d’une analyse sélectionnée.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/test-analytic
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API test-analytique utilisée pour tester un modèle analytique entraîné avec des instructions spécifiques.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. If not passed the user will be anonymous. The user is required if the bot is private. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. A token can also be used. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
file | file | The image as input to be recognized. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/test-audio-analytic
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API test-audio-analytique utilisée pour tester une analyse de modèle audio.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
file | file | Audio file needed to audio recognize. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/test-object-detection-analytic
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API test-object-detection-analytic utilisée pour tester un modèle analytique de détection d’objet avec des instructions spécifiques.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
instance | attribute | The ID of the Analytic. | |
file | file | Image to test for the object detection analytic. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-test-media-result
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API get-test-media-result récupère les résultats des supports de test.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/report-media-analytic
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API report-media-analytic utilisée pour obtenir un reprot analytique.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
processingTestMediaStatus | attribute | Analytic test media status. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/train-analytic
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API train-analytic utilisée pour former un modèle analytique.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
trainingStatus | attribute | Analytic training status. | |
cycles | attribute | Analytic training cycles. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/delete-analytic-media
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API delete-analytic-media utilisée pour supprimer un média analytique sélectionné.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
mediaId | attribute | Analytic's media ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
label | attribute | Analytic label. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/delete-analytic-test-media
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API delete-analytic-test-media utilisée pour supprimer un support de test d’une analyse.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
mediaId | attribute | Analytic's media ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
label | attribute | Analytic label. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-analytic-media
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API get-analytic-media utilisée pour récupérer tous les médias analytiques.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Analytic id for validation. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/get-analytic-test-media
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API get-analytic-test-media récupère un support de test d’une analyse.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/create-analytic-label
Operation: POST
Type: XML
Create a label or labels for an Analytic. Each label is a classifier. Each label is like a package will contain a set of images. This is required before starting the training phase for image recognition. Each Analytic must at least has two labels.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. | |
password | attribute | Password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
instance | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
label | attribute | Analytic label. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/create-analytic-test-media-label
Operation: POST
Type: XML
Create a label or labels for an Analytic. Each label is a classifier. Each label is like a package will contain a set of images. This is required before starting the training phase for image recognition. Each Analytic must at least has two labels.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. | |
password | attribute | Password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
domain | attribute | Domain. | |
instance | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
label | attribute | Analytic label. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/delete-analytic-label
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API delete-analytic-label utilisée pour supprimer une étiquette sélectionnée d’un objet analytique.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. | |
password | attribute | Password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
instance | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
label | attribute | Analytic label. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/delete-analytic-test-media-label
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API delete-analytic-test-media-label utilisée pour supprimer une étiquette de média de test d’une analyse.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. | |
password | attribute | Password of the user. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
instance | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
label | attribute | Analytic label. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/check-training
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API check-training utilisée pour récupérer certaines informations de l’entraînement actuel d’un modèle.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
id | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the analytic. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/create-analytic
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API create-analytic crée un nouvel analytique.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the analytic. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
domain | attribute | Domain. | |
name | attribute | The analytic name that used to identify the analytic. | |
alias | attribute | Another name can be used for the new analytic to be identified. | |
description | element | Brief description for the Analytic. | |
details | element | Details for the Analytic. | |
disclaimer | element | Disclaimer regarding the new Analytic. | |
license | element | License to release the Analytic and all its content under. | |
website | element | URL for the Analytic if it has it's own website. | |
categories | element | On what category would you place your Analytic. Must select at least one of the categories. (Image, Audio, Data, Misc). | |
tags | element | Tag your Analytic | |
isPrivate | attribute | Analytic can be private, and accessed only by the user. | |
isHidden | attribute | Hidden analytic will not be available to public. | |
accessMode | attribute | Analytic will be accessed by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
forkAccessMode | attribute | Analytic will be able to copy by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
accessMode | attribute | Analytic can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). | |
contentRating | attribute | Analytic can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/update-analytic
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API update-analytic met à jour ou modifie les détails d’une analyse sélectionnée.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
id | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user who is creating the analytic. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
domain | attribute | Domain. | |
name | attribute | The analytic name that used to identify the analytic. | |
alias | attribute | Another name can be used for the new analytic to be identified. | |
description | element | Brief description for the Analytic. | |
details | element | Details for the Analytic. | |
disclaimer | element | Disclaimer regarding the new Analytic. | |
license | element | License to release the Analytic and all its content under. | |
website | element | URL for the Analytic if it has it's own website. | |
categories | element | On what category would you place your Analytic. Must select at least one of the categories. (Image, Audio, Data, Misc). | |
tags | element | Tag your Analytic | |
isPrivate | attribute | Analytic can be private, and accessed only by the user. | |
isHidden | attribute | Hidden analytic will not be available to public. | |
accessMode | attribute | Analytic will be accessed by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
forkAccessMode | attribute | Analytic will be able to copy by based on the following options (Everyone, Users, Members, Admin). | |
accessMode | attribute | Analytic can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). | |
contentRating | attribute | Avatar can be viewed or rated for (Everyone, Teen, Mature). | |
isFeatured | attribute | Featured instance. | |
creator | attribute | Instance creator. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/flag-analytic
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API d’analyse de drapeau utilisée pour placer un indicateur sur un analytique.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
flaggedReason | element | Flagged Reason. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/thumbs-up-analytic
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API d’analyse du pouce levé utilisée pour lever le pouce vers le haut d’un analytique.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/thumbs-down-analytic
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API d’analyse thumbs-down utilisée pour accéder à un analytique.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/star-analytic
Operation: POST
Type: XML
L’API d’analyse d’étoiles est utilisée pour mettre en étoile un objet analytique.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
stars | attribute | Stars. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/delete-analytic
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API delete-analyic utilisée pour supprimer une analyse sélectionnée.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
id | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/check-analytic
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API check-analytic utilisée pour valider une instance d’une analyse et la renvoyer.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. If not passed the user will be anonymous. The user is required if the analytic is private. | |
id | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. A token can also be used. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/reset-data-analytic
Operation: POST
Type: XML
API rest-data-analytic utilisée pour reposer les données d’une analyse sélectionnée.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user performing the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. If not passed the user will be anonymous. The user is required if the analytic is private. | |
id | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. A token can also be used. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/test-data-analytic
Operation: POST
Type: XML
Testez l’analyse des données avec un ensemble d’entrées.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user perfoming the operation. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. If not passed the user will be anonymous. The user is required if the analytic is private. | |
id | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. A token can also be used. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
input | element | A comma-seperated list of floats to be trained as input. |
URI: https://www.botlibre.biz/rest/api/train-data-analytic
Operation: POST
Type: XML
Formez l’analyse des données avec plusieurs ensembles d’entrées et de sorties.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
application | attribute | Your application ID. | |
user | attribute | The ID of the user. The user must be registered with Bot Libre. If not passed the user will be anonymous. The user is required if the analytic is private. | |
password | attribute | The password of the user. A token can also be used. | |
token | attribute | The token of the user. A token can be obtained through check-user, and is valid until reset. | |
instance | attribute | Analytic's ID. | |
data | element | Use the data tags to group the inputs with the corresponding outputs. | |
input | element | A comma-seperated list of floats to be trained as input. | |
output | element | A comma-seperated list of floats to be trained as output. |
Vous pouvez appeler n’importe laquelle des API ci-dessus à l’aide de JSON au lieu de XML à l’aide du point de terminaison /rest/json Au lieu de /rest/api.